Ember Mesh

Get aluminium ember mesh for BAL-29 ratings that protect from burning embers and ember attacks with our ember guard-compliant mesh for bushfire-prone areas.

Ember Mesh

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Buy ember mesh for your roof at Aussie DIY Solutions if you’re looking to lower the risk of a structure fire due to bushfires, which have become more and more common in Australia as of recent.

Not only do these prevent stray embers putting your home or building up in flames, these are incredibly effective at keeping out tiny debris that could clog your gutters – such as pine needles, dirt, etc.

We offer the best mesh and the widest selection of colours, sizes, and thicknesses. You can choose from 21+ colours to make sure the product matches your roof, so no one will even notice it’s there protecting them!

Why It’s So Important To Buy Ember Mesh To Protect Your Home

Here at Aussie DIY Solutions, we offer three different types of gutter guard mesh – but if you live in a region plagued by bushfires, then this version is a must have – you literally cannot afford to go without it.

It’s estimated that around 80% of all structure fires in Australia are caused not by a building being consumed by an open flame – but by stray embers from another fire making their way into your home, into your insulation, etc.

Bushfires have really ramped up in recent years, which is terrifying for those who live in certain parts of Australia.

But with a proper ember mesh surrounding the crevices in your home, namely your roof, you can sleep a bit more soundly at night knowing you’re protected.

You May Be Required To Install Bushfire Mesh Screens In Some Cases

Maybe the thought of a random ember making its way into your home and starting an inferno doesn’t frighten you.

Even still, certain buildings are actually required to install bushfire mesh screens, in accordance with Australian Fire Standards. This is becoming more and more commonplace with the surge of bushfires recently, which spawned the BAL rating (bushfire attack level).

If you have a high BAL rating, your home is more at risk for bushfire danger than someone with a low BAL rating. If you don’t already know it, then this is an important figure for you to figure out.

Why Aussie DIY Solutions Is The Best Place To Buy Ember Mesh

The good news is that no matter what your BAL rating is, you can buy ember mesh that meets these standards right here at Aussie DIY Solutions.

We even sell complete ember guards, which make it incredibly simple to install these on your roof and protect your home.

But if you’re just looking to replace the mesh itself, you’re in the right place, because we have so many different options. Here are a few reasons we’ve earned an outstanding five-star rating on Google.

Our Ember Mesh Is Compliant With Australian Bushfire Regulations

All our ember gutter mesh is compliant with Australian Bushfire Regulations, and rated up to 29 BAL! With aperture size less than 2mm, not even the tiniest of stray embers has a chance of sneaking through your guard.

When it comes to protecting your home, your investment, your family – you need to be absolutely certain you’re investing in the right products for the job. And that’s what you’ll find here at Aussie DIY Solutions.

Easy, DIY Products You Can Install In A Breeze

Nobody wants to go through the hassle of hiring a professional to come out and work on their roof. This could end up costing you thousands, when you could easily do this yourself even if you have zero experience installing bushfire mesh screens.

Because the reality is that with the right products, this is a super simple DIY task! If you already have the guards themselves installed, then adding on this mesh is super easy.

Incredibly Diverse Selection To Help You Keep Your Home’s Aesthetic

The last thing you want to do when modifying your roof is use a mismatched mesh colour that people notice from the street.

When you shop with us, that isn’t a worry. You can select from over 20 different colours, one of which is sure to match your roof. Whether you have tile or corrugated roofing, you’ll find the right product here.

Plus, you can choose from 10m all the way up to 30m, so you don’t need to buy any more than you absolutely need.

Choose your width too, with options ranging from 250mm wide all the way to 1000mm wide, to fit any size roof or gutter.

Bushfire mesh isn’t the only thing you’ll find here, either. Our selection consists of a wide range of products, including gutter guards for tiled roofs in particular!

Quality Mesh That Is Built To Last

Our woven aluminum bushfire mesh features a tiny 1.8mm hole aperture, and is at least .5mm thick – making it the strongest currently available online or in stores.

It’s also double-rolled at the edges to prevent any fraying and increase strength. Finished off with an Interpon D1000 powder coating, this as good as it gets – and we stand by this, offering an astounding 20 year warranty on the mesh!

When it comes to protecting your home, nothing lowers the risk of a structure with as minimal cost and effort as installing bushfire mesh to your roof.

So shop now and buy the best there is, right here at Aussie DIY Solutions – invest in the safety and security of your home, your investment, and above all else, your family!

Need something else to protect your home or roof? Chances are, we have it. You’ll even find special bird mesh for solar panels, which is an investment worth protecting.